Marian Greenblatt Education Fund to close
Statement by Dr. Marshal Greenblatt
Navigating Through a Cancer Diagnosis: Facilitating Informed Decision-Making
Suburban Hospital 2023 Impact Report
New Montgomery County Teacher of the Year Crowned
NBC4 video awarding 2020 Montgomery County Teacher of the Year Inge Chichester
‘Fierce advocate’ for students named MCPS Teacher of the Year
Bethesda Magazine article on 2020 Teacher of the Year Inge Chichester
Julius West Educator Wins Rising Star Teacher of the Year
Montgomery Community Media article on 2020 MGEF Rising-Star awardee Joanna Martinez-Mack
Churchill High School Teacher Is Finalist for Teacher of the Year
Potomac Almanac article on 2020 MGEF Awardees
Four MCPS Teachers Honored With Greenblatt Award
Montgomery Community Media article on 2020 MGEF Awardees
4 Montgomery County Educators Win Excellence In Teaching Awards
Patch article on 2020 MGEF Awardees
Hanington wins MCPS Teacher of the Year award
The Sentinel article on 2019 Teacher of the Year Madeline Hanington
English Instructor Named Montgomery Teacher of the Year
Bethesda Magazine article on 2019 Teacher of the Year Madeline Hanington and other honorees
Whitman Student Wins $1,000 World Languages Scholarship
MCPS Bulletin article on 2019 World Language Scholarship recipient Hannah Donner
MGEF President honored by Montgomery County Board of Education
Dr. Greenblatt recognized for Distinguished Service to Public Education
Click for photos of event as well as Dr. Greenblatt's speech
Three teachers named finalists for top honor in suburban Maryland
Washington Post article on 2019 MGEF Awardees
Three Named Finalists for Teacher of the Year Award
Bethesda Magazine article on 2019 MGEF Awardees
5 Montgomery County Educators Win Excellence In Teaching Awards
Patch article on 2019 MGEF Awardees
Kindergarten teacher tapped for top honors in Montgomery County
Washington Post article on 2018 Teacher of the Year Kristen Kane
Silver Spring Kindergarten Teacher Named MCPS Teacher of the Year
Bethesda Magazine article on 2018 Teacher of the Year Kristen Kane
Forest Knolls Educator Receives MCPS Teacher of the Year Award
Montgomery County Media article on 2018 Teacher of the Year Kristen Kane
Marian Greenblatt Education Fund Honors Five County Teachers
Bethesda Magazine article on 2018 MGEF Awardees
Finalists Announced For MCPS Teacher Of The Year
Patch article on 2018 Greenblatt Award recipients
MCPS Announces Three Teacher of the Year Finalists
Bethesda Beat article on 2018 Greenblatt Award recipients
High School English Teacher Lands Top Honor in Montgomery County
Washington Post article on 2017 Teacher of the Year Nancy Shay
Nancy Shay Named MCPS Teacher Of The Year
Montgomery County Media article on 2017 Teacher of the Year Nancy Shay
'No Student She Cannot Teach': Montgomery Teacher Of The Year
Rockville Patch article on 2017 Montgomery County Teacher of the Year Nancy Shay.
Meet the Three Finalists for MCPS Teacher of the Year Award
Montgomery County Media article on 2017 Greenblatt Award recipients
Greenblatt Fund President Honored by Regional Manufacturing Institute
Award recognizes Marlin Steel's commitments to the community, including support for education through the Marian Greenblatt Education Fund.
Marian Greenblatt Fund Announces Doubling of Award Levels for Master Teachers and Rising-Star Teachers
First change in award levels since the Fund's founding in 1988, doubling the award levels for Master Teachers from $1000 to $2000, and for Rising-Star Teachers from $500 to $1000. Please read more.
Eight Greenblatt Award Recipients Have Achieved National Board Certification
The Marian Greenblatt Education Fund congratulates eight of its awardees on achieving National Board Certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification for educators. It was designed by teachers, for teachers. National Board Certified Teachers have voluntarily gone beyond their states’ licensure requirements to demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and practices according to standards developed by the NBPTS. The certification process generally takes three years to complete.
Awardees who have achieved National Board Certification include:
Alison Divens O’Connor, Resnik ES
Kimberly Oliver, Broad Acres ES
Shelly Niverth, Viers Mill ES
Peter Petrossian, Pyle MS
James Schafer, Montgomery Blair HS
Carol Schwindaman, Diamond ES
Nancy Shay, Richard Montgomery HS
Todd Stillman, Richard Montgomery HS
Three named as finalists for Montgomery County’s Teacher of the Year
Washington Post article on 2016 Greenblatt Award recipients
Rising-Star Teacher winner Samir Paul featured in Silver Chips article
Marian Greenblatt Fund 2016 Rising-Star Teacher award winner Samir Paul is profiled and interviewed by Montgomery Blair High School student newspaper, Silver Chips. Please read more.The article is preserved here.
Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence goes to 2010 Grenblatt Fund Winner
Marian Greenblatt Fund 2010 award winner James Schafer of Montgomery Blair High School has gone on to earn a 2015 Preisdential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, according to The Washington Post. The article is preserved here.
Finalists named for Montgomery’s teacher of the year
Washington Post article on 2015 Greenblatt Award recipients
Students in Chicago Honored
The Marian Greenblatt Fund has recognized excellent students from Senn High School in Chicago, IL, in conjunction with the fiftieth reunion of the Class of 1963. In 2014, two students from Senn were honored with scholarships. Mickayla Valenzuela ($5,000) and Maria Bailon ($1,000) received partial scholarships to Monmouth College and Wilbur Wright College, a two-year community college in Chicago. Both students were chosen by teachers at Senn. Maria was valedictorian of her 2013 graduating class. Senn is a century-old school with one of the most-diverse student bodies in the USA. Currently, 62% of the students speak a language other than English at home. Senn is the home of International Baccalaureate and Junior ROTC programs.