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Breast Cancer Programs

The Marian Greenblatt Fund provided more than one million dollars to support several programs that address breast cancer.  The Fund supported the work of the Saville Center for Screening and Prevention at Inova Hospital in Fairfax, VA to provide screenings and outreach.  In 2024, the Fund made a significant donation to support a bus equipped with mammogram screening and other equipment that visits low-income neighborhoods to provide diagnostic services in under-served communities. The bus will test hundreds of women per week, many of whom have no regular medical care. Once patients are enrolled in the Inova system through this outreach/mobile testing program, further care is easier to provide.  The Fund also supported Inova's outreach events with community organizations like Nueva Vida.  At an Arts and Healing program, women enjoyed art projects, music, and a warm breakfast while receiving cancer screenings and other health and wellness screenings.

On May 13, 2024, the Inova Fairfax Hospital's Schar Cancer Center dedicated the Marian Greenblatt Fund Examination Room in the Inova Saville Cancer Screening and Prevention Center.  Dr. Rebecca Kaltman, Executive Director of the Saville Cancer Screening and Prevention Center and a board-certified oncologist specializing in breast cancer, spoke at the dedication attended by Greenblatt family members.  Dr. Kaltman said: "We greatly appreciate the Marian Greenblatt Fund's generous gift that enables us to more easily examine patients both at the Saville Center in Northern Virginia and in the community. Research has shown that the earlier we can detect cancer in peoples' lives, the greater the chances of successfully treating cancers. The Greenblatt donation also is a first step in enabling us to initiate a new, fully-equipped mobile unit to extend our screening outreach to those who have work or have family obligations that make it difficult to come to the hospital."  Dr. Marshal Greenblatt, President of the Greenblatt Fund, added, "The Greenblatt Fund is happy to honor the memory of Marian in such a meaningful way--by increasing the number of people screened to prevent the scourge of cancer."

The Fund also supported a Patient Navigator Program at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda MD, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins Medicine. The program assigns a skilled nurse to explain to new breast cancer patients the different treatment options and the resources available to patients, and then follows the patient through the treatment process, being a source of information, comfort, and support.  About 300 patients a year are helped by this program.  Read more about the Funds' work with Suburban Hospital in their 2023 impact report.

In 2022, the Fund provided support to breast cancer research led by Karen L. Smith, M.D., M.P.H., a medical oncologist specializing in breast cancer at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center at Sibley Memorial Hospital and assistant professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.  Dr. Smith's research primarily focuses on patient-reported outcomes and reducing toxicities of cancer therapy.  She is interested in improving the lives of all patients facing breast cancer but has a special focus on those living with metastatic disease, those diagnosed at a young age, and those at risk for recurrence of hormone-receptor positive disease.  

Jones/Greenblatt Drone Scholarship

2021 Teacher of the Year Award Recipients

Ms. Patricia Richards of Walter Johnson High School, Master Teacher

Mr. Joseph Bostic of Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School, Master Teacher and 2021 MCPS Teacher of the Year

Ms. Sara Kopf of New Hampshire Estates Elementary School, Master Teacher

Ms. Lindsey Flint of Chevy Chase Elementary School, Rising-Star Teacher

Read more about our 2021 award recipients.

Past Winning Teachers

Read more about our 2020 Award Recipients.

Video of 2020 virtual Champions for Children Teacher of the Year presentation



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Kimberly Oliver Teacher of the Year

Kimberly Oliver Teacher of the Year

Ms. Oliver, First Lady Laura Bush, President Bush

Kimberly Oliver National Teacher of the Year

Kimberly Oliver National Teacher of the Year

First Lady Laura Bush, Ms. Kimberly Oliver (winner, Marian Greenblatt Award, National Teacher of the Year), President George W. Bush

Kimberly Oliver National Teacher of the Year

Kimberly Oliver National Teacher of the Year

Ms. Oliver, President Bush

Social Studies Awards

High School Junior Social Studies Award Recipients

(Alphabetical by High School)


Giulia Munelli (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Ethan S. Shoham (Blair), Theo Sodani (Blake), Queen Balina (Churchill), Tali Schlenoff (Clarksburg), Ameila Stammers (Damascus), Kendall Cox (Einstein), Yan Huang (Gaithersburg), Luis-Bill Perez (John F. Kennedy), Simone Kramer (Magruder), Emma Maxwell (Northwest), Leslie Njingang (Northwood), Saron Melaku (Paint Branch), Ziyan Ahmed (Poolesville), Emma Hinckley (Quince Orchard), Jonathan Nalikka (Richard Montgomery), Nia Newman (Rockville), Miriam Hernandez (Seneca Valley), Emma Bair (Sherwood), Isabella Ramirez (Springbrook), Nada Fadul (Walt Whitman), Ebony Lee (Walter Johnson), Parsanna Koirala (Watkins Mill), Liana S. Vargas (Wheaton), Dylan Safai (Wootton)


Aviva Teller (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Abigail Kusmin (Montgomery Blair), Olivia Gyapong (Blake), Emily Abramson (Churchill), Ronak Tallur (Clarksburg), Grace Ruei (Damascus), Segev Berner-Kadish (Einstein), Alfonso Gabriel M. Aquino (Gaithersburg), Djenebou Traore (John F. Kennedy), Adonairah Villanueva (Magruder), Alexandra Dressman (Northwest), Angel Soriano Lara (Northwood), Mary Shawhan (Paint Branch), Marina Karapanos (Poolesville), Megan Cressy (Quince Orchard), Corbin Christopher (Richard Montgomery), Gabriella Diaz (Rockville), Ella Teal (Seneca Valley), Jahnavi Kirkire (Sherwood), Marissa Chappell (Springbrook), Jacob Carton (Walt Whitman), Danis Cammett (Walter Johnson), Grace Edwards (Watkins Mill), Benjamin Conroy (Wheaton), Ella Teiberg (Wootton)


Nicole Vanderzon (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Odalys Zaldana (Blair), Ellee Noonan-Shueh (Blake), Lia Papageorge (Churchill), Zoe Tishaev (Clarksburg), Stephen Johnson (Damascus), Reilly Fay (Einstein), Helina Mesfin (Gaithersburg), Andrea Anaya (John F. Kennedy), Madison Elizabeth Reed (Magruder), Kamila Melikova (Northwest), Jason Manzon (Northwood), Udayveer Makkar (Paint Branch), Matthew Palatnik (Poolesville), Katerina Grcic (Quince Orchard), Nestor Aranibar (Richard Montgomery), Mary Pankowski (Rockville), Jeffrey Roach (Seneca Valley), Enzo Scanecchia  (Sherwood), Sydney Jaffe (Springbrook), Emily Mayo (Walt Whitman), Lucille Bengston (Walter Johnson), Bethel Biniam (Watkins Mill), Daniel Mendez (Wheaton), Alexis Bentz (Wootton)


Sasha Frank-Stempel (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Zakariya Gordon (Blair), Monica Bounsynhavong (Blake), Joseph Gardemal (Churchill), Arpan Barua (Clarksburg), Ashley Bullington (Damascus), Georgia Broitman (Einstein), Katelyn Osman (Gaithersburg), Kelsey Folley (Kennedy), An Nguyen (Magruder), John (Jack) Thomas (Northwest), Mercedes Horn (Northwood), Rose Leeger (Paint Branch), Nina Tang (Poolesville), Riley Hoffman (Quince Orchard), Emma Bassett (Richard Montgomery), Kathleen Loebach (Rockville), Juan Silva Villamil (Seneca Valley), Melody Britton (Sherwood), Jennifer Tatham (Springbrook), Eva Herscowitz (Walt Whitman), Samantha Phelps (Walter Johnson), Josephine Oshagbemi (Watkins Mill), Amita Chatterjee (Wheaton), Liam Hall (Wootton)


Grace Wagner (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Jemma Natanson (Blair), John O'Grady (Blake), Gabriella Baker (Churchill), Matthew Evenson (Clarksburg), Cole Shapiro (Damascus), Caitlyn Buckley (Einstein), Joseph Landry (Gaithersburg), Kaya-Nadine Edmondson-Deigh (Kennedy), Shelby Gordon (Magruder), Samantha Williams (Northwest), Mercedes Horn (Northwood), Cinthia Martinez Lopez (Paint Branch), Michael Urban (Poolesville), Aaron Miller (Quince Orchard), Alex Hu (Richard Montgomery), Jet Lee (Rockville), Olivier Ambush (Seneca Valley), Dan Yacubovich (Sherwood), Jordine Williams (Springbrook), Rachel Singer (Walt Whitman), William Cooper (Walter Johnson), Devin Jameison (Watkins Mill), Sahil Sahni (Wheaton), Christine Yige Liu (Wootton)


Quinlyn Spellmeyer (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Suad Mohamud (Montgomery Blair), Yelli Coulibaly (Blake), Danielle Sickels (Winston Churchill), Lady Marien Marasigan (Clarksburg), Gabriella Dagher (Damascus), Elise Van Leer (Einstein), Marshall Butler (Gaithersburg), Alexei Ruvinov (Walter Johnson), Amina J. N'Gambwa (Kennedy), Kurt Willson (Magruder), Koloina Rakotomalala (Richard Montgomery), Christopher O'Neill (Northwest), Wiley Clements (Northwood), Umar Boone (Paint Branch), Lindelwa Mamba (Poolesville), Xiaolin Yao (Quince Orchard), Mary Bilodeau (Rockville), Erica Roach (Seneca Valley), Dylan Richter (Sherwood), Monica Joseph (Springbrook), Marcella Ruano (Watkins Mill), Eric R. Rong (Wheaton), Sophia Knappertz (Walt Whitman), Jordan Matus (Wootton)


Asha Dahiya (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Eleanor Harris (Montgomery Blair), Riani Carr (Blake), Anne Moshyedi (Winston Churchill), Sean Xu (Clarksburg), Daniel Junghans (Damascus), Marcus Hibblen (Einstein), Maya Wilson (Gaithersburg), Gideon Epstein (Walter Johnson), Faith\ Wade (Kennedy), Jonathan Cornely (Magruder), Jeremy Keaton (Richard Montgomery), Katherine McCutcheon (Northwest), Guillermo Cuevas (Northwood), Godsee Joy (Paint Branch), Jen Dunn (Poolesville), Natalie Rubin (Quince Orchard), Gabrielle Rivera (Rockville), Anna Anders (Seneca Valley), Ketki Chauhan (Sherwood), David Mejia (Springbrook), Clarence McNeary III (Watkins Mill), Amanda C. Mutai (Wheaton), Sarina Hanfling (Walt Whitman), Cole Abod (Wootton)



Claire Trilling (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Lul H. Mohamud (Montgomery Blair), Arnold Chonai (Blake), Jordan Janis (Winston Churchill), Max Xu (Clarksburg), Emma Russell (Damascus), Halcyon Ruskin (Einstein), Jose Ramirez-Zamora (Gaithersburg), Noah Burgett (Walter Johnson), Brionna Gray (Kennedy), Anthony Rutkowski (Magruder), Rachel Gold (Richard Montgomery), Garrett Allen (Northwest), Betel Teka (Northwood), Rebekah Senderling (Paint Branch), Daren Small-Moyers (Poolesville), Lawrence Simon (Quince Orchard), Amelia Hurley (Rockville), Andrew Saundry (Seneca Valley), Paul Macrae (Sherwood), Camille Cade (Springbrook), Angelique Ryan (Watkins Mill), Natalie Herrera (Wheaton), Daphnie Koubourli (Walt Whitman), Nipun Kottage (Wootton)



Peter Horton (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Paul B. Ellis (Montgomery Blair), Lillian Hallmark (Blake), Paula Rabade (Winston Churchill), Cynthia Zhang (Clarksburg), Caroline Connor (Damascus), Rebecca Miller (Einstein), Sarah Aline-Ducan (Walter Johnson), Katherine Martinez (Kennedy), Drew Mesa (Magruder), Michael Cohen (Richard Montgomery), David Snyder (Northwest), Thea Ornstein (Northwood), Sarah McCall (Paint Branch), Fangfei Yin (Poolesville), Jacob Adler (Quince Orchard), Daniel Hoffman (Rockville), Ashley Ahimbisibwe (Seneca Valley), Katie Murphy (Sherwood), Juan Sebastian Cortex-Sanches (Springbrook), Rodrigo Leon (Watkins Mill), Ajiya Doka (Wheaton), Natalia de Gravellies (Walt Whitman), Hannah Hassani (Wootton)



Clio Bodie (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Fernando Ventura Jr. (Montgomery Blair), Corey Glocker (Blake), Alyssa Weiss (Winston Churchill), Joshua Myers (Clarksburg), Nathanael Bulcho (Damascus), Erica Fuentes (Einstein), Kelly Donnellan (Gaithersburg), Collin Repetti (Walter Johnson), Erin Rutter (Kennedy), Meghan Foster (Magruder), Janie Frangione (Richard Montgomery), Shazeb Asim (Northwest), Madeline Pifer (Northwood), Kate Holman (Paint Branch), Alex Nguyen (Poolesville), Justin Vernick (Quince Orchard), Victoria Vayer (Rockville), Aren Boghosian (Seneca Valley), Ryan Mercado (Sherwood), Elliott McKoy (Springbrook), Anna Oluyomi (Watkins Mill), Elena Robles (Wheaton), Caroline Crawford (Walt Whitman), Shabiha Sarwar (Wootton)



Erica Turner (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Francisco Gonzalez (Montgomery Blair), Irene Lemberos (Blake), Cindy Zheng (Winston Churchill), Mopewa Ogundipe (Clarksburg), Kaitlynn Conway (Damascus), Sarah McCully (Einstein), Susan Roberts (Gaithersburg), Cocco Mateus (Walter Johnson), Thais Periera (Kennedy), Dan Joseph (Magruder), Rolando Masis (Richard Montgomery), Emily Balcombe (Northwest), Nora Smolonsky (Northwood), Menna Girma (Paint Branch), Gentrice Cauruso-DiPaolo (Poolesville), Taylor Montgomery (Quince Orchard), Kurtis Swartz (Rockville), John Baker (Seneca Valley), Talia Katz (Sherwood), Jose Hernandez (Springbrook), Kathy Nguyen (Watkins Mill), David Sales (Wheaton), Kevin Kay (Walt Whitman), Vishnupriya Kareddy (Wootton)



Spencer Weinreich (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Emma Kaufman (Montgomery Blair), Daniel Lee (Blake), Max Reinhardt (Winston Churchill), Jasmine Mengers (Clarksburg), Harry Fones (Damascus), Michael Adams (Einstein), Jacob Zucker (Gaithersburg), Greg Segal (Walter Johnson), Josline Ali-Napo (Kennedy), Karen Eschbach (Magruder), Beatrice Kelly (Richard Montgomery), Max Frankel (Northwest), Dina Posner (Northwood), Maira Ortiz (Paint Branch), Amanda Ward (Poolesville), Sarah Thibeau (Quince Orchard), Tomas Breach (Rockville), Abigail Majane (Seneca Valley), John Hanlon (Sherwood), Leah Hollander (Springbrook), Quaren Quartey (Watkins Mill), Monica Gutierrez (Wheaton), Tessa Morrison (Walt Whitman), Helena Fahri (Wootton)



Kelsey Kiser (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Claire Teitelbaum (Montgomery Blair), Bronte Abell (Blake), James Blum (Winston Churchill), Christine Opiekun (Clarksburg), Julie Eisenberg (Damascus), Benjamin Rivers (Einstein), Sanjay Kapoor (Gaithersburg), Nicolas Carter (Walter Johnson), Bryan Campos (Kennedy), Sarah Fornatora (Magruder), Sairam Nagulapalli (Richard Montgomery), Steven Obrzut (Northwest), Phillip Shatton (Northwood), Mia Lancaster (Paint Branch), Brian McNeilly (Poolesville), Timothy “Ted” Dressel (Quince Orchard), Joel Slaff (Rockville), Selorm Quist (Seneca Valley), Tiffany Kang (Sherwood), Charles Mwalimu (Springbrook), Kyle Lyons-Burke (Watkins Mill), Terri Dean (Wheaton), Caroline Kahlenberg (Walt Whitman), Heather Allentuck (Wootton)



Monica Pate (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Elena Gooray (Montgomery Blair), Kelly Washington (Blake), Joshua M. Oppenheimer (Winston Churchill), Maya Gebeily (Clarksburg), Angela Wong (Damascus), Michelle Abiola (Einstein), Nicholas Kanka (Gaithersburg), William McCurry (Walter Johnson), Barbara Rodriquez (Kennedy), Molly Seligman (Magruder), Javier Masis (Richard Montgomery), Rebecca Herman (Northwest), Sarah Shlemon (Northwood), Michael McKonnen (Paint Branch), Kraegel Connor (Poolesville), Benjamin Groeger (Quince Orchard), Jaishri Shankar (Rockville), Marcela K. Omas (Seneca Valley), Seth Low (Sherwood), Julia Regan Fanelli (Springbrook), David Gaynor (Watkins Mill), Amali Panakure (Wheaton), Julian Jacobson (Walt Whitman), Yu Shin-Yee (Wootton)



Laura Keeling (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Kalisha Holmes (Montgomery Blair), Laura Heller (Winston Churchill), Justin Kenel (Clarksburg), Sam Westbrooks (Damascus), Abigal Paulson (Einstein), Marissa Galfond (Gaithersburg), Rodrigo Gobitz (Walter Johnson), Murktarat Yussuf (Magruder), Emily Dillon (Richard Montgomery), Dana Haymon (Northwest), Stephen Betsock (Northwood), Alexander Chlebowski (Paint Branch), Michael Chamberlain (Poolesville), Aike Ho (Quince Orchard), John Caves (Seneca Valley), Zachary Schwartz (Sherwood), Linnae O’Flahavan (Springbrook), Deborah Namugayi (Watkins Mill), Jonathan Howard (Wheaton), Elliot Rosenbaum (Walt Whitman), Joanna Y. Cornell (Wootton)



Eli Hager (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Alexander Hyder (Montgomery Blair), Allison Pistolessi (Blake), Erica Walston (Winston Churchill), Chelsea Rienks (Damascus), Felipe Escobar (Einstein), Britney Pope (Gaithersburg), Gavriella Kalter (Walter Johnson), Benjamin Moran (Kennedy), Sarah Greene (Magruder), Paul Armstrong (Richard Montgomery), Jennifer Welch (Northwest), Aharon Czarnolewski (Paint Branch), Sarah Shipe (Poolesville), Jonathan Katzur(Quince Orchard), Stephanie Owen (Rockville), Andrea Thomson (Seneca Valley), Josh Boker (Sherwood), Jordan Sawadogo (Springbrook), Kaylon Mettus (Watkins Mill), Sthefany Rojas (Wheaton), Aidan Fitzgerald (Walt Whitman), Matthew Bressler (Wootton)



Patrick McAnaney (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Kiran Belani (Montgomery Blair), Gil Hasty (Blake), Julia Hernandez (Winston Churchill), Jack Alwood (Damascus), Susan Miller (Einstein), Christopher Chesley (Gaithersburg), Violeta Arciniega (Walter Johnson), David Goldstein (Kennedy), Clio Chimento (Magruder), Yan Nusinovich (Richard Montgomery), Polina Advolodkina (Northwest), Kholla Ahmad (Paint Branch), Stephanie Reio (Poolesville), Colin Read (Quince Orchard), Robyn Kleiner (Rockville), Stephanie Flamenbaum (Seneca Valley), Erika Cabezas (Sherwood), Brian Chen (Springbrook), Andrew Vaky (Watkins Mill), Sanjana Quasem (Wheaton), Michaela Lieberman (Walt Whitman), Adam Susser (Wootton)



Elaine Hargrove (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Karima Tawfik (Montgomery Blair), Michael Lanning (Blake), Abby Fradkin (Winston Churchill), Amber McCrady (Damascus), Hernan Igot (Einstein), Thanh Nguyen (Gaithersburg), John Lindsay (Walter Johnson), Will Solomon and Aaron Josephson (Kennedy), Emily Harwood (Magruder), Saul Carlin (Montgomery), Nabanita Pal (Northwest), Erin Mills (Paint Branch), Rueben Goetzl (Poolesville), Askash Mathur (Quince Orchard), Jenna Byrne (Rockville), Jason George (Seneca Valley), Maria Lunsford (Sherwood), Brian Salant (Springbrook), Kaitlin Laws (Watkins Mill), Jin Xue (Wheaton), Jeffrey Luse (Walt Whitman), Scott Leighty (Wootton).



Nathanial Stokoe (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Abigail Graber (Montgomery Blair), Sue Bai (Blake), Ted Matheeussen (Winston Churchill), Yi Hwa Yang (Damascus), Siti Nur Morris (Einstein), Kristen Martineau (Gaithersburg), Conrey Callahan (Walter Johnson), Kevin Lee (Kennedy), Sara Blackwell (Magruder), Daniel Belkin (Richard Montgomery), Halley Fehner (Northwest), Anne Chlebowski (Paint Branch), Cari Rutledge (Poolesville), Marianna Kondratovich (Quince Orchard), Elliot Sprehn (RICA), Nicole Dabney (Rockville), John Torrey (Seneca Valley), Alana Goldberg (Sherwood), Khadidjato Nijmoluh (Springbrook), Alexandra Takai (Watkins Mill), Sophia Lem (Wheaton), Lilian Mitchell (Walt Whitman), Melissa Gluck (Wootton)



Jeremy Hartman (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Rachel Yood (Montgomery Blair), Davis Hasty (Blake), Samuel Berey (Winston Churchill), Brittany Jenner (Damascus), Emily Rosenberger (Einstein), Peter G. Bolac (Gaithersburg), David Sievers (Walter Johnson), Benjamin Kabaker (Kennedy), Maggie Wheltle (Magruder), Lauren Seffel (Richard Montgomery), Jason N. Overman (Northwest), Aparna Kothary (Paint Branch), Ann Gessler (Poolesville), Kevin Rosenbaum (Quince Orchard), Andres J. Heiny-Gonzale (Rockville), Bradley Johnson (Seneca Valley), Jill Waters (Sherwood), David Einstein (Springbrook), Timothy Gutman (Watkins Mill), Esther Joo (Wheaton), David Gelman (Walt Whitman), Michelle Tabach (Wooton)



Pavie Doroslavaki (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Cyrus Hadad (Montgomery Blair), Andrew Rose (Blake), Stephanie Flax (Winston Churchill), Kim McGuire (Damascus), Lauren Phillips Thoryn (Einstein), Kristina Kirk (Gaithersburg), Steven Book (Walter Johnson), Frank Totten (Kennedy), Emily Hammer (Magruder), Rita Bergmann (Richard Montgomery), David Baston (Northwest), Lisa Ku (Paint Branch), Karen Toomey (Poolesville), Joel Wilcher (Quince Orchard), Tsedaye Makonnen (Rockville), Kimberly Newcomer (Seneca Valley), Abby Greenhut (Sherwood), Samuel Biagetti (Springbrook), Tyler Rench (Watkins Mill), Jacob Bachmeier (Wheaton), Maya Simon (Walt Whitman), Nayeema Raza (Wootton)



Katherine Goldstein (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Julie Lindenberg (Montgomery Blair), Anne Colice (Blake), Lauren Lesch (Winston Churchill), Michael Crowe (Damascus), Ngoc Pham (Einstein), Melissa Nilsson (Gaithersburg), Laura Chasen (Walter Johnson), Beverly Nguyen (Kennedy), Norah Harwood (Magruder), Gabe Mandujano (Richard Montgomery), Preeya Mathew (Northwest), Katherine Parker (Paint Branch), Elizabeth Holden (Poolesville), Cathrine Besancon (Quince Orchard), Isaac Pollack (Rockville), Sheena Dahlke (Seneca Valley), Amanda Woodfield (Sherwood), Arjun Ranade (Springbrook), Kristen Lanham (Watkins Mill), Michelle Pettit (Wheaton), Caryn Harris (Walt Whitman), Sruthi Pandipati (Wootton)



Jesse Palchick (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Jason Rubenstein (Montgomery Blair), Carissa Baker (Damascus), Cory Atwell (Einstein), Danila Kuklov (Gaithersburg), Katherine Hill (Walter Johnson), Amy Kominski (Kennedy), Matt Seymour (Magruder), Anhthu Phan (Richard Montgomery), Stanislaz Rozenblat (Northwest), Joanna Robey (Paint Branch), Philip Mervis (Quince Orchard), Todd Hutner (Rockville), Rachel Nyden (Seneca Valley), Rachel West (Sherwood), Hollis Architzel (Springbrook), Tonya Oben (Watkins Mill), Phillip J. Meyerson (Wheaton), Marc Sorrell (Walt Whitman), Ryan O’Lone (Wootton)



Megan Moran (Bethesda-Chevy Chase), Lilly Goldman (Montgomery Blair), Diana Rusk (Winston Churchill), Stephanie Miller (Damascus), Tim Chabuk (Einstein), Kunal Pasricha (Gaithersburg), Adam Hantman (Walter Johnson), Allison Kaufman (Kennedy), Tina Gupta (Magruder), Kevin Wiseman (Richard Montgomery), Robert Hendrickson (Paint Branch), Dan Trusilo (Poolesville), Paul Johnson (Quince Orchard), Demelza Baer (Rockville), Carlotta Greene (Seneca Valley), Anita Edwards (Sherwood), Soumini John (Springbrook), Samantha Ahalt (Watkins Mill), Matthew Regan (Wheaton), Andrea Falken (Walt Whitman), Jennifer Treat (Wootton)


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